The devil is in the potato plants. I found a spray that is considered OK for organic farms. But reading the MSDS sheet was scary. I checked Sueko's plants and she has these bugs too. I'm conflicted.
Let the garden go to hell or spray the hell out of it? Just what I never wanted to do. They say the spray is made out of chrysanthemum blossom extract, but why do you have to wear a respirator and a full body suit?
Can you see the little tomatoes on the left?
We saw the Diving Bell and the Butterfly last night. We only watch movies when the Sox play a day game. Dad never likes movies as much as I do, or he is more a critic than I am. I like French movies, beautiful women and hapless men. The hell with Dad, it got 94% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Sueko had cucumber blossoms and I was jealous, and this morning I had them too.

We went to Fourth of July dinner at her house and it was too much. She looks so frail and the house is falling down around her. We left her with all the dishes to do and I feel awful. Mgt, Renner, Mattie and a couple from New York City were there. The woman is involved with documentary films at NYU and Mgt and Barbara had interesting conversations.
Speaking of Red Sox: Johnny Damon's "catch" yesterday was cool. I sent you the link already, Jon and Pete.

Dad and I built another raised bed, this one for hydrangeas and clematis and roses. It is bigger than our bedroom.
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