Thursday, July 24, 2008


Get over it Peter, there are gorgeous flowers everywhere. The sweet puppy below gets into the blueberry bushes every chance he gets. Yesterday he dug two up and chewed the roots. This morning Margaret was sitting right near the blueberries and he was digging around in them.

I ran out of fruit for my Cheerios and went out and picked blueberries and put them right in my bowl. How cool is that? The first of the morning glories:
My new passion and addiction: Daylilies. I have planted over fifty of them and can't get enough. I want fields and fields of them. I do make sure all of them are cheap, you can order them on the net for $1-3 a piece, but these are from a nursery and Stop and Shop and cost $9 (two for $18 said the Russian guy) and $12. I'm not feeling guilty, I'm not feeling guilty...

The vegetable garden, despite my best intentions has it's problems. The butternut squash has powdery mildew that I think is traveling to the zucchini. The squash may not make it, but Bob said give it a try. There are very cute little squashes. Interestingly, the zucchini is less productive right now.

The lettuce has been cut back to see if the roots will produce. Not sure, but why not try it. The basil has been cut back to regrow. I made three batches of pesto and put them in the freezer in flatten plastic bags. That was fun. I dug around looking for baby potatoes today, but couldn't find any. I'm not exactly experienced at this. I think I have to work from the bottom up instead of top down.

The cucumbers are beginning to come in. They have been delicious. Margaret incorporated them into sandwiches for a ladies luncheon yesterday. Butter, smoked salmon, and cucumber slices on crusty bread. Yum.

I bought canning jars, because there are going to be a bunch all at the same time. Henry wants to make pickles.

Tomatoes are not ripe, but almost.

Green beans are coming in fast and the beets are almost ready to pick.

As I said the jalapeno peppers are not hot and so we are leaving some on the plant to see if they ripen hotter. The eggplant are white. We don't know if they'll stay white or turn purple. What do I know, I bought a set of seedlings at the plant store in Truro?

Best news of all is that Henry begins his four week vacation tonight. He's frantically trying to get stuff done, but is almost there. He had forty patients in four days, and a ton of paperwork to do.

I'm going back home Sunday to trade off Brady and I have some appointments on Monday.

This is too boring even for me, later.

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